

Scorch and Shock Virus in Blueberry

It is around the time of the season when we begin to notice Shock(BIShV) and Scorch(BIScV) virus symptoms in Blueberry crops. As the two viruses display the same symptoms and plants with Scorch do not recover, it is critical that testing be performed to confirm which virus is present.

Symptoms typically appear as browning, necrotic leaves, blighted leaf shoots and berries, or simply reduced yield.

Each year the BC Blueberry Council covers the cost of a specific number of samples per Grower. For the 2023 season, it is 50 samples. Phyto diagnostics preforms the testing and notifies the growers of the results.

It is worth it to take advantage of the BCBC free testing considering the severity of Scorch in the Fraser Valley and how it can impact yields year over year. 

If you are interested, let us know and we can arrange a time to come by and perform the sampling for you.